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CACIB Vrtojba & Bale shows - Tristan

Tristan successfully started his show career in junior class, beginning in Slovenia at CACIB Vrtojba, under the judge Nadjia Timmermans-Kadenko - NL, at only one year of age, he took Junior Winner, Best male and BOB! What a start for this amazing boy, I am so so proud of him! He didn't stop there but went even further with Junior BOG3 and a shortlist in BOG... well done young boy!

Later at Croatian shows in Bale he followed with 2x Junior Winner and also BOS at both CAC shows!

Tristan je uspešno začel s svojo razstavno kariero v razredu mladih. Na svoji prvi razstavi v tem razredu je na CACIB Vrtojba, pod sodnico Nadjio Timmermans-Kadenko - NL, osvojil PRM, Best male in BOB! In to pri samo enem letu starosti, kakšen super začetek, zelo smo ponosni nanj! Kasneje je v BIS delu osvojil še Junior BOG3 in prišel v ožji izbor v BOG!

Tristan z vsemi tremi ponosnimi lastnicami

V enakem slogu je nadaljeval na Bale shows na Hrvaškem, kjer je na obeh razstavah uspešno dosegel PRM in BOS! Veselimo se naslednjih uspehov z njim v razstavnih krogih!


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