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Breeding exam done!

Breeding test done, this time for our tricolour duo ☑️

➡️ RsCH Aydeen Bacardi Razz - Raven got her license with excellent, A grade

➡️ CIB, CH Dashing Raven Knight of the Windy Lands - Eros got his license prolonged - now it's valid for life!

Eros is available as stud, after siring 2 promising litters, he is always happy to meet new collie girls. Thank you to his co-owner Anja Gavez for taking such an amazing care of him

And with Raven we have interesting puppy plans for this Winter 😊

Dashing Raven Knight of the Windy Lands

Vzrejni pregled za naša dva tricolorja je opravljen ☑️

➡️ RsCH Aydeen Bacardi Razz - Raven je uspešno prestala prvi vzrejni pregled z odlično, A oceno

➡️ CIB, CH Dashing Raven Knight of the Windy Lands - Eros je uspešno podaljšal, sedaj mu vzrejna velja za celo življenje!

Eros je na voljo kot plemenjak, ima že dve zelo obetavni legli in je vedno vesel novih punc. Hvala njegovi solastnici Anja Gavez za fantastičen dom za našega Erosa!

Z Raven imamo zanimive vzrejne načrte za to zimo 😊

Aydeen Bacardi Razz


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