That's a wrap for show season 2022!
The results from our Slovene Club - Klub 1 TOP 10 competition went public yesterday and so I am happy and proud to present you our this year's show team and their achievements! It has been yet again an interesting roller-coaster year with - as you all know how the breeding world is like - many ups and also many downs. I am so grateful for all my breeder friends and the wonderful team of my co-owner families for not only taking great care of our dogs but also all the support, help and love! (And for putting up with me ) Michele Cuz, Jana Ferfolja, Mojca Furlan, Alexander Kaos
We are so happy to finish the year together with the wonderful litter from Dia - Aydeen Carpe Diem Baby and have high hopes for this new generation.
Making this post I noticed we have not had any tricolours in action in the rings this show season, well that's certainly something that is gonna change next year Lots of plans and dreams ahead... I wish you all an amazing, successful and magical 2023!
Zaključek show sezone 2022!
Rezultati našega pasemskega kluba - Klub 1, tekmovanje TOP 10, so včeraj postali javni. Zelo sem ponosna, da vam lahko predstavim letošnjo ekipo in njihove dosežke! Letošnje leto je bilo ponovno zelo razgibano, vzreja ni lahka, veliko je vzponov ampak ravno tako tudi veliko padcev. Zelo sem hvaležna za vse moje prijatelje vzreditelje ter čudovito ekipo solastnikov, ki ne samo odlično skrbijo za naše pse, ampak mi tudi vedno stojijo ob strani! Michele Cuz, Jana Ferfolja, Mojca Furlan, Alexander Kaos
Zelo smo veseli, da leto zaključujemo z mladički naše Die - Aydeen Carpe Diem Baby in imamo veliko pričakovanj ter upanja z novo generacijo.