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Welcome Diwali

Welcome to the team baby DIWALI!

After our C-litter, when Dylan stayed home and later Tristan joined the team, I have been dreaming of adding some more girl power in our extended family... and what better than something blue!

Here she is - Diwali, officially called Androma Moonlight Sonata. (Xtra Dressed Up of the Holy Mountain x Androma Enchanting Blue Rose), now 8 weeks old. Her dam Rosie is a daughter of our dear Eros - CIB Multi CH Dashing Raven Knight of the Windy Lands, and I am so happy to yet again have something from him to work on in the future, I am certain it will be very interesting A big thank you goes to her breeder Andreja Velepec for her trust of putting this precious blue jewel into our hands and the biggest thank you of course to Diwali's co-owner Alexander, who we are very happy to have in our extended family... I am super excited for what awaits us in the future!

Androma Moonlight Sonata
Diwali - Androma Moonlight Sonata

Dobrodošla v ekipo mala DIWALI!

Po našem C - leglu in kasneje, ko se je še Tristan priključil v našo širšo družinico, se moje sanje po okrepitvi ženskega dela ekipe še vedno niso uresničile. Želela sem si še ene blue merle samičke, tako lepe in nežne kot je naša Senna... in pravijo, da se sanje, če si jih močno želiš, res uresničijo.

Prišla je - Diwali, uradno Androma Moonlight Sonata. (Xtra Dressed Up of the Holy Mountain x Androma Enchanting Blue Rose), sedaj stara 8 tednov. Diwali je hčerka Rosie in vnučka našega dragega Erosa - CIB Multi CH Dashing Raven Knight of the Windy Lands. Zelo sem vesela, da imam spet nekaj njegovega ter prepričana, da bo prihodnost s to malo deklico zelo zanimiva. Ena velika hvala gre vzrediteljici Diwali - Andreja Velepec za njeno zaupanje, da je bila pripravljena ta modri biser dati v naše roke ter seveda največja zahvala njenemu solastniku - Alexander, katerega zelo lepo pozdravljamo v naši ekipi ter komaj čakamo in se veselimo vseh prihodnjih druženj!


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